open forum : diamonds



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wo 24 mrt 2010 05:29 RE: de aangroei goud per jaar in ton versus de aangroei diamanten <-> daar iemand idee van Reply met quote | Reageer | Nieuw bericht | Print

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AlineV schreef:
AlineV schreef:
open forum =

komt er meer goud bij
of komen er meer diamanten bij !

dit is een zeer ernstige vraag !!! want ik ken NIKS van de diamant sector, maar het is net zoals goud, enorm veel papier in een kleine coupure :)


zeer goeie vraag, daarom dat ik nergens studeer, de leerkracht weet het antwoord niet :)

in euro meneer

hoeveel euro komt er jaarlijks bij aan diamanten op de markt uit de grond
en idem voor goud hoeveel euros aan goud komt er boven (die kan ik hier vinden)

maar de diamanten

dus als er meer diamanten of minder dan heb je ofwel inflatie in het of het andere

tov de 2 als je maar die 2 zou bekijken

beide schaarse producten

als goud = geld is
dan is diamanten = wealth reserve consolidator !
(een latje hoger)

even uw status opkrikken schatje

de beers doet met je mee alinev

diamonds as alternative to gold

De Beers and other major players in the diamond industry are now supporting the concept of diamonds as an investment alternative to Gold. This prompts the following questions: - Why is this relevant now? - What are the investment merits of diamonds? - How do Diamonds compare to Gold?

Effect of current economic climate

The onset of a global recession has surfaced after a record period of growth. Many investors have lost confidence in paper stocks and are now seeking a flight to quality. Traditionally during these periods commodities such as gold and silver are seen as a popular investment, as company stocks can lose their total value whilst commodities retain their intrinsic value. Commodity prices have followed this pattern with precious metals and oil all reaching record highs in 2008. General commodities have sharply fallen in price since the economic downturn except the precious metals which are still trading close to their record highs.

The emergence of both China and India's growing economies has played a particularly significant role. Firstly they were partly responsible for keeping commodity prices on highs due to the perception of continuing growth, but also it is generally the eastern investor who values intrinsic worth and many private individuals hold large hard asset portfolios.

Perhaps the most significant consequence of this new economic climate is that real money has become scarce and interest on borrowed money has risen as a consequence. Therefore, industries reliant on credit, including the common practice of dealing goods on memo within the polished diamond industry, has been negatively affected and new investment and credit streams are needed to fill the inevitable void caused by this economic upheaval.

The credit crunch has affected all areas of the world in an increasingly globalised economy. As a result, risk management has come to the fore more than ever and investors are increasingly seeking de-correlated assets to reduce overall portfolio risk. Asset allocation strategies for 2009 exhibit far greater degree of diversification and in particular a shift away from paper securities to hard assets and commodities that will always retain some intrinsic worth.

Why diamonds are a hard asset class and how they compare to gold?

The traditional hard asset classes are gold, silver and other precious metals. Diamonds too are a hard asset class, but one which has only partially been realised. Diamonds exhibit a number of similarities to gold as an asset class. The primary use for both gold and diamonds is for jewellery. Demand for gold as jewellery absorbs around 75% of the gold supplied to the market each year. Industrial applications of gold account for approximately 10% and the balance is made up by investment. Currently diamonds are seen as a luxury item primarily for jewellery and the percentage of investm



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ban auteur
wo 24 mrt 2010 05:31 RE: Taseko versus nen deftige diamant voor je ega(a) Reply met quote | Reageer | Nieuw bericht | Print

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Leffe schreef:

diamonds are an asset class that could outperform gold !
in the next decade

juist mijn gedacht hé, is ook leuk voor ons, leren we ook bij over diamantjes
want after all : that is what life is all about : learning

Price Performance

Polished prices are currently trading around levels seen in 2004/5. Historical price performance of polished diamonds since 1982 is strong relative to gold, yet in the last 10 years it has lagged behind gold and other commodities.

With supply cut by the major mining companies some level of price support is filtering through to the polished market as inventories are run down and demand stabilises. Coupled with increasing investment demand and also demand growth from China prices stabilised in mid April and have shown marginal increases in some categories.

Analyses are solely the work of the authors and have not been edited or endorsed by GLG.This author consults with leading institutions through GLG
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