They asked me if I could write more nonsense like foa and another did, because if we all have time on our hand, my words will one day be reread and reread and be searched like I had a magic ball or something.

Who is he, does that really mather ?! I could be the butcher or the fisherman, it doesn't mather. Actually we did not hike back ten years ago, we wrote about it.

If we would hike at the campfire then the words would look like

- When I look at those giant spiders , they remind me of wallstreet and goldman sachs.

- In summer we heared the sound of a forest on fire, it was the background noise of a "failing comex"

- I don't have a lot of time left, I'm at an internetcafé this time round, in a fastmoving city somewhere in the East (makes the reading more mysterious)

- Maybe I am in a little European country with social security system ( a pyramid game some people say, is it really ) because even life 'en sich' is a pyramid game.
(layers of generations)