First I tried to measure my success in money or (gold eg xxx oz) that makes me smarter than you :-)
Secondly I discovered that buying more gold cannot be a goal in life, it is stupid because I woul merely end death like any other creature on earth, but with a pile of gold, I'm not a pharoa, so it makes no sense in this life for me !
Actually it sounds 'more mature' to have 1 2 3 or more kids, the endresult would be that I spread my genes and knowledge over several new F1 species (my kids own and adopted, because I have not long more time so I will have to "buy" some also - in the greater plan of things it is even logic)
So, yes I have xxx oz gold and zero kids - the goal is to transfer my gold (to raise the kids in such an ordinary way so that they can live a prosperous life after all 3 kids and one home left is a good start for a 25 year old in the year 2040.