So a Legatus Pilgrimage arrives in Oberammergau on a fateful September anniversary. The next day the pilgrims attend the Oberamergau Passion Play which is performed every 10 years to fulfill a 1634 vow by the villagers in appreciation for being spared from the bubonic plague. If you remove the letters “rue germ” from “Oberammergau” you are left with a last name recently in the news. If you throw in a Bavarian Pope, add in a new Catholic-convert former U.S. House Speaker to the mix, stir in some historic enigmatic figure such as Albertus Maximus or Johann Worlgang von Goethe, link it altogether with a bleeding edge scientific discovery at an infamous research institute (like Kaiser Wilhelm/Fritz Haber/Max Planck Soceity), sprinkle in trivia (like the Danube is 1776 miles long, the same year that Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati) and you almost have the makings for a Dan Brown thriller.
How Bizarre:
Oberammergau - Germany
London - Uk
Santiago de Compostella - Spain
Athens - Greece
Roma - Italy
Vatican City - Italy
Connecting the dots, why didn't I just visit the beach in Benidorm or the Pyramids in Egypt???